Monday, October 19, 2015

Pediatrics: Monday

James returned to school today. I just have to say again how grateful I am that he was out of school last week. It was such a blessing not to worry about him missing classes, or conversely, having to deal with all of this on my own if he had chosen to go to class. It made it a lot easier to send him back to school today.

When our medical team came on their rounds this morning, I was disheartened to learn that they thought it pretty unlikely that Xander could go home today. I'd been told Monday evening as our target discharge. But the team (attending physician + med students) were concerned because Xander has been so up and down with his oxygen needs.

Basically, I was told that if we could successfully wean him off oxygen by lunchtime and keep him off throughout the day, we might be able to go home tonight. But that was "very optimistic" and it was more likely that we'd be spending another night.

When they left, I talked with our nurse, and she was totally onboard with trying to wean Xander off his oxygen. So over the course of the morning, she turned his oxygen down by degrees, and we had indeed gotten him totally off oxygen support by lunchtime.

Xander smiles in his sleep all the time. Sooo cute.
He did great this afternoon. His oxygen saturation hovered in the low 90s, so not quite as high as hoped, but within the parameters the doctor had set for him. His heart rate and respiration rate stayed consistent, and he didn't show any distress. I'll admit, I totally got my hopes up.

One of the med students was keeping tabs on Xander this afternoon, and he seemed hopeful that we could be discharged. But after speaking with the attending physician, he came back and told me that they were going to keep Xander one more night, to monitor him off oxygen throughout the night.

I am so bummed. I know one night is nothing in the greater scheme of things. But after a week of this, I am sooo ready to be done. Sigh.

On the bright side, my amazing mother extended her stay until Saturday. It's been a big stress on my mind, especially with Xander's discharge up in the air, because she was supposed to leave on Wednesday afternoon. But she's amazing, and is going to stick around to help us get Xander settled at home before she goes. Hopefully my dad can survive a few more days without her. ;)

Hopefully in the morning we'll be busting out of this joint. Keep your fingers crossed!

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